How much does a hostel cost in Buenos Aires?

Are you planning a trip to Buenos Aires? Are you looking for accommodation? Do you want it to be an economical option? Do you want it to be a fun and social environment? If these questions make sense to you, hostels are an excellent option.
The price of the hostels in Buenos Aires and, in general, in Argentina vary according to the season, the location and the services they offer. The most recommended location for the City of Buenos Aires is the Palermo neighborhood, where the prices of the hostels vary according to the type of room and quality of the hostel.
If you want to quote your hostel for a specific date, we invite you to do so
At Play Hostel you can find private and shared rooms, 24-hour reception, kitchen, Wi-Fi, air conditioning, spaces to socialize and much more!
In short, choosing this type of accommodation in Buenos Aires is an excellent option for those looking for an economical and socially active option.